
Melicious 7 deadly seeds

All about me and 7 deadly seeds

My name is Melissa Mandara and I am the Sauceress of Melicious 7 Deadly Seeds. I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and had a passion for food since I was a child. Not only do I have my culinary arts degree, but I have also been a Medical Assistant for the past 10 years. During the Covid pandemic, I decided to come up with a bucket list of everything I’ve always want to do. One of the items on the list was eating one of the world’s hottest peppers, the Carolina Reaper, but to try something that I didn’t know the outcome was terrifying. It gave me an adrenaline rush and with each new pepper I try, it is the same feeling.
In the past few years, I had grown an overabundance of habanero and jalapeño peppers. I needed to know what to do with these peppers and all arrows pointed to hot sauce. I experimented with the seven hottest peppers to create the first hot sauce and that’s how Melicious 7 Deadly Seeds was started.